The shortlist of nominees for this year’s POPS Crystal Hearts Awards has just been announced. Across all the award categories there are a total of 15 shortlisted nominations. Congratulations to all the nominees and a massive thank-you to all the individuals and organisations who took time to submit nominations.

The winner of each category will be presented with their award at the Crystal Hearts Awards ceremony on Friday July 6th 2012. Runners up will be presented with a certificate at the end of the event where photographs will be taken.

Crystal Hearts Awards 2012 shortlist

Donna Morgan Substance Misuse Services Manager, HMP Kirkham

Yorkshire & Humberside Circles of Accountability and South Yorkshire Probation

Dan Silver Network 1

Kevin Field Project Manager, Radio Wanno

John Clarke Prison Officer, HMP  Liverpool

Amarylis Harris IDTS & Recovery Through the Gate team, HMP Manchester

Carol Hoyle Personal and Social Development Coordinator, Positive Parenting Courses / The Manchester College/HMP Wymott

Lindsey Etesami Volunteer, Partners of Prisoners & Families Support Group

Hayley Ash Health Care Manager, HMP Manchester

Michael Park Children and Families Pathway Lead, HMP Wymott

Start-up Online Ltd Charity Thame, Oxfordshire

Patrick Williams Manchester Metropolitan University

2nd Chance Volunteers  Social Enterprise, Manchester

COPING/Huddersfield University

Jonathan Purves: YOS Support Office, YOS Manchester

Nominees and nominators should confirm their attendance at the Awards as soon as possible by contacting POPS Head Office on 0161 702 1000 and asking for Danielle or Sherrie.


Our thanks go to our award sponsors:

Amey     CRJ UK Logo       African Prisoners Project logo        Partners of prisoners logo