Earlier this year the BME Roundtable Consortia, led by POPS, were successful in our bid for Ending Gang and Youth Violence funding to build the capacity of the youth organisations in the Wythenshawe area with skills that will enable them to work with young people who are on the verge of gang and violent activity.
On Friday the 16th November we are running a multi-agency capacity building workshop to explore participants understanding of the key issues and to begin to identify any gaps in meeting the needs of at risk young people locally.
The workshops will take place at Wythenshawe Forum Hall and there are 80 places for front-line workers. If you provide youth support services or youth activities within the Wythenshawe Strategic Regeneration Framework we would love you to be there! For more information about the day pleased download the programme.
If you are interested in attending please complete the booking form and return by email to eventsadmin@partnersofprisoners.co.uk.