“Inspirational work by all involved!”
This year the theme was around the issues and challenges faced by women offenders and the possible solutions. We were privileged to have the company and expertise of four fascinating speakers:
- Jenny Earle, Programme Director – Prison Reform Trust
- Hannah Morowa, Project Manager – Women in Prison
- Kath Johnson, Women’s Service Link Worker – Farida Women’s Centre
- Clare McGregor, Founder & Managing Director – Coaching Inside and Out
Most importantly we heard from a service user who shared her personal journey story and spoke about the support she received and continues to receive from POPS‘ Farida Women’s Centre. Her testimony not only struck a chord with guests including the many professionals present in the audience representing agencies from across the Criminal Justice System and beyond, but also demonstrated the need for women specific services and the important work they deliver.
For a copy of the anderson lectures 2016 slides email mail@partnersofprisoners.co.uk.