POPS would like to invite you to have your say on your experience and thoughts on the stop and search process.

The Home Secretary announced a public consultation on 2nd July 2013 to find out how stop and search is being used and how effective it is. This consultation closes on 24th September 2013.

The Coalition for Racial Justice (UK), in partnership with its host organisation POPS, is holding a consultation event on 17th September, 2013 at the Windrush Centre in Manchester from 1-4pm.

Available statistical data suggest that stop and search is disproportionately targeted at black and minority ethnic groups. The use of stop and search powers vary markedly across police forces. Analysis of the 2011 riots drew attention to anger and resentment toward the disproportionate and excessive use of stop and search tactics by the police.

What do you think?

Please come and have your say.

  • What does it feel like to be stopped and searched?
  • What impact does policing have on the individuals involved, and on their families and communities?
  • How does disproportionate treatment shape relations with the police and society as a whole?

Who should attend:

If you are a young person who has experienced stop and search, if you are somebody who has an interest in policing, if you work for an organisation that works with young people, if you are a parent, if you are a practitioner working in the community or an ordinary citizen concerned about the use of police powers.

Places are limited and will be available on a first come first serve basis.

Please confirm your attendance to Ashleigh Morrish at POPS by Friday 13th September.

Email: mail@partnersofprisoners.co.uk

Tel: 0161 702 1000